Christopher Foster

Doctors should never have to refer patients to a program they do not believe in--abortion or euthanasia. This is a clear violation of the doctor's freedom of religion and conscience. I also do not like the language of the debate. This debate should not be considered freedom of religion and conscience vs. safe and high-quality care. "Safe and high-quality care" is a lie. Abortion and euthanasia are murder and always result in the death of at least one human being. If there was a certain religion that prevented something like blood transfusions (which would be genuine safe and high-quality care to provide), then yes, I agree with the language of this debate. But abortion and euthanasia are neither safe as someone always dies, and it is not care, it is always an act of great selfishness. Of course, abortion and euthanasia should never be allowed to be committed by a doctor in the first place as it is a clear violation of the Hippocratic Oath.

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